Diversifying Your Traffic Sources Beyond SEO

Diversifying Your Traffic Sources Beyond SEO

Initially building your brand off the shoulders of Google isn’t a wrong move.

I’ve done it countless times. But at some point, it’s wise to expand beyond SEO.

Building up other traffic sources makes the asset you’re creating more valuable because it’s more resilient. (Ironically enough, it helps your SEO too.)

At some point, that popular spyware app better known as Tiktok may be banned. It has already been banned in India last month.

If this happens in the USA, massive followings of millions upon millions may be turned to dust.

There is a serious danger of over-reliance on one single source of traffic. Google has wiped out entire businesses from the face of the planet simply because organic was the only channel they focused on.

As a starting point for brainstorming, your demographic might already be telling you where to start: Look at Google Analytics referral data and ask yourself how you can boost those #s and if any of those sites are worthwhile.


  • Andrew David Scherer

    My name is Andrew David Scherer and I've been involved in digital marketing since 2006.. Feel free to contact me if you have questions about marketing your local clients online, I'm always happy to help and share what I know. I've built local businesses from 0 to 6 figures in sales. Leased, sold, and rented a handful of them. And I've had hundreds of them as clients. Marketer's Center gives digital marketing consultants the ability to easily scale their local marketing agencies in a way that isn't labor-intensive and still very profitable. If you want to get my "6 Month SEO Plan" please request a free reseller dashboard account here. You'll also be able to download a price list for all of the services we offer. You can connect with me via Facebook in our Local Marketing Freethinkers group, or via Twitter and Linkedin.

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