Tag: Content Optimization

How to Optimize a Press Release for SEO

Press releases are still relevant for SEO. If you’re curious about what they are, we wrote an article on what press releases are and how they help here. They are useful in getting words out there, especially if there is something new in your business, like a new line of products and services. They help

Content Optimization for SEO: Where to Start First

You may have noticed something through your own Google searches: The order in which you place your keywords when searching matters. To get more accurate results, I find myself reorganizing my queries. I’ll place what keywords I want to emphasize near the beginning of my search phrase. And then I get more accurate results because

Compounding Keywords with Google Search Console

The more you rank, the more queries you will discover. The more queries you find, the more you can target. The more keywords you target, the more you’ll rank for. I call this flywheel “Compounding Keywords” It’s a process made possible by Google Search Console. Thanks to it generously returning impression data, you can crack

Don’t Let Google Rewrite Your Page Titles

It’s probably not great to have Google rewrite your titles for you, is it? Looks like the sweet spot for titles is 20-60 characters. Statistically, Google doesn’t seem to rewrite titles very often in this character range. Just ran a scan on a local site of mine with Screaming Frog. Only 46% of page titles

My Notes on B2B Content Syndication Channels

I ran a poll last month in the SEO Signals Lab group asking if SEOs syndicate their content. About 2/3rds said, “No.” Here’s something interesting. The app Buffer does something called resyndication. It is copy/pasting their article on other sites. They’re big sites, but that’s it. They pull almost 1,000 _extra_ visitors a day by